Reviews and critical perspectives about games, music, movies, etc.

Pop-Tarts After Auschwitz
In modern times, the wacky isn’t just unfunny. It’s barbaric erasure.

Modern Mythology: Visual Identity
Designers have their job for a reason. Why should the Board get involved?

The Annihilation Industry
I’m minting this piece as an NFT so if you screenshot it I’m suing for 8 billion ETH.

The Limits of Authority: An Exercise in Abstraction
How can we extract political lessons from fantasy, a genre so unlike our own world?

Modern Mythology: Biopics
If you aren’t sick of these Oscar-season films, there’s a reason why you should be.

It Just F–king Works
Or: On the Ability King Crimson in Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure as it Relates to Fatalism and Free Will. Not really as catchy.

The Problems with Vice
Pizzazz and highbrow-style wit can’t save a shallow, masurbatory bourgeois film

A Reminder that Game Developers Owe you Nothing
Or: Notes Towards a Theory of Aesthetic Entitlement with Respect to Capitalistic Society and Art in and For Itself.