Modern Mythology: Secret Agent

Oh, smashing, groovy, yay capitalism…

Pop-Tarts After Auschwitz

In modern times, the wacky isn’t just unfunny. It’s barbaric erasure.

No Good?

Neither timely nor timeless, time is up for Larry David.

The Horror of Production

Garbage need not be justified as such. But hear me out…

You Lost the Culture War

Or: Why a Movie is not a Can of Beer.

Naked in Purgatory

A film worth watching? Certainly. A film we need now? Absolutely not.

Flash is Fast, Flash is Cool

Modern Mythology: The 80’s Renaissance

Modern Mythology: Visual Identity

Designers have their job for a reason. Why should the Board get involved?

The Annihilation Industry

I’m minting this piece as an NFT so if you screenshot it I’m suing for 8 billion ETH.

L’Art pour la denrĂ©e

Art cannot die. But there are fates worse than death.

The Limits of Authority: An Exercise in Abstraction

How can we extract political lessons from fantasy, a genre so unlike our own world?

Modern Mythology: Biopics

If you aren’t sick of these Oscar-season films, there’s a reason why you should be.

It Just F–king Works

Or: On the Ability King Crimson in Jojo’s Bizzare Adventure as it Relates to Fatalism and Free Will. Not really as catchy.

The Problems with Vice

Pizzazz and highbrow-style wit can’t save a shallow, masurbatory bourgeois film

A Reminder that Game Developers Owe you Nothing

Or: Notes Towards a Theory of Aesthetic Entitlement with Respect to Capitalistic Society and Art in and For Itself.

That Man

Who is That Man?